Thursday, August 5, 2010
Killer on the loose in Flint Michigan
My city needs help!
Friday, June 4, 2010
My Nike Commercial!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Feelings like. . .
feelings often are socially transmitted diseases, it’s
easy to spread std’s like these when you don’t watch what you say
not thinking before you speak is like not watching with whom you lay
and since I'm always on display I never know who I may do next
so I practice safe text
I'm careful with the content of my context
careful not to spray I, lay text before I play text
play house
doctors orders:
lay out my oral erection in sections so you know what you getting
the lesson
is size, can be deceptive
should be concerned with if its tight, the fit and if you can work it right
some realize they’re good and start to work at night
skip ethics if the working price is right
say the right thing and they’ll work you tonight
might go straight to head if the line is tight
the vultures circle the spot light when that lime lit right
like freshman whores in college dorms, the line…is tight!
you might as well be on the mic 'cause everybody know what your business like
and its just like kids to kiss and tell, so you getting emails asking what the business is
but what you're missing is
you cant make a pass just to fit in
what you spit in got to sit in line with the mind receiving
I mean the quarterback, has to be in tune with the wide receivers!
so whether or not you’ll enjoy this started long before this evening or heavy breathing
you have to work out the word play, like lingerie
its more than underwear
you lace up the shape tough to intensify what’s already there
a gift is just a gift
but you bow tie and hide it under wrapping paper to show you really care
it might not be new, but
sometimes you want people to stop and stare
look away just to double take
make you break it down, slow it up, bring it back, work it out
tilt it just right to see what it looks and sounds like in a different light
and if its hitting right it might get ripped and torn, stripped bare
thoroughly tested, dissected, inspected inside and out
just to see the smiles and what comes out of their mouths
there is no greater pleasure than pleasing
except maybe a little teasing, a little teeth in the right places be anxious, for nothing
savor, everything
be present
in the presentSunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, November 21, 2009
My Canadian Experience (When Brothers Speak)

Being from Michigan, going over the border to Canada was nothing new to me. Well, aside from the changes being made when with what you need to have to cross the border and all, but Windsor and Toronto Ontario Canada were places I had seen before and sorta liked.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
An Honor
Its always an honor when someone approaches you after a performance or even in the street to let you know that you are hot, dope, bloody brilliant or anything else that lets you know they appreciate your work. Whats even better, is when you find out that your work has been studied and used for lessons in creative writing as a part of an instructors course work!
When I first received the phone call about the show I didn't really know how to feel. What do you say to a person that holds you in such high esteem? What do you say when someone tells you that you have helped them get through tough times in their life? Thank you doesn't seem to be enough.
It ceases to amaze me when I'm told that my work did something for someone. I always think, "wow, you're really listening to me?" For some reason I always feel like I'm just Ed, just a brother, just a friend, cousin, son, writer. I have always believed in putting my best foot forward in all that I do. I have always believed that I should be responsible for what I say to people, whether on stage or in regular conversation I am mindful of I you say because I never know how it may affect a person.
Years later, my phone rings, 4 weeks after that, she is standing on stage introducing me to her classmates, telling them how she never thought she would ever meet me, much less bring me to her school to perform. WOW
Friday, August 28, 2009

You would think that being an artist from Flint Michigan I would frequent the open mics and spoken word venues of Detroit more often. Well the fact is I don't. I am out of state for most of my shows. Rarely am I ever in Detroit to perform or take in the craft the way it’s done in Motown, but after the way my show went last night that MUST change!
They Say restaurant is home to The Main Course open mic, hosted by Marsha J. Carter. I must say, the vibe when I walked in was marvelous! It feels good to walk into a well hosted venue. Knowing that the people have been groomed and your platform has already been set makes it easy to concentrate on connecting with the audience.
My intro was pretty dope! Marsha told a story about her and I performing at a venue together some time ago (the name of the place still slips my mind), I had not thought or even remembered I performed there! It made me think about how much of my poetic history is linked to Detroit (that's for another day, another blog). Walking to the stage I felt the energy in the room change. It wasn't the typical, "I have been waiting to see him perform" vibe. It was a rare, but always welcome, "who is he and what is he going to do." I felt like a stranger in my own back yard and it was GREAT! There is nothing I love more than the element of surprise when dealing with an anxious crowd of people. All I have to do is read the vibe of the room and NOT BLOW IT. Lights. . .Camera. . .ACTION!
The right piece at the right time is a powerful thing. It's like the wind hitting your sails head on, all you have to do is ride the wave and steer the boat in the direction you want it to go.
I felt nothing but acceptance the entire night. Not only were they hungry for it, they were excited, energetic and more than responsive! They made me feel as if they had been waiting all year to see me perform, like I was saying all the right things at the right time to the right people! It’s hard to describe, but it feels wonderful.
Thank You Detroit City, I am sorry I stayed away for so long