Friday, August 28, 2009

You would think that being an artist from Flint Michigan I would frequent the open mics and spoken word venues of Detroit more often. Well the fact is I don't. I am out of state for most of my shows. Rarely am I ever in Detroit to perform or take in the craft the way it’s done in Motown, but after the way my show went last night that MUST change!

They Say restaurant is home to The Main Course open mic, hosted by Marsha J. Carter. I must say, the vibe when I walked in was marvelous! It feels good to walk into a well hosted venue. Knowing that the people have been groomed and your platform has already been set makes it easy to concentrate on connecting with the audience.

My intro was pretty dope! Marsha told a story about her and I performing at a venue together some time ago (the name of the place still slips my mind), I had not thought or even remembered I performed there! It made me think about how much of my poetic history is linked to Detroit (that's for another day, another blog). Walking to the stage I felt the energy in the room change. It wasn't the typical, "I have been waiting to see him perform" vibe. It was a rare, but always welcome, "who is he and what is he going to do." I felt like a stranger in my own back yard and it was GREAT! There is nothing I love more than the element of surprise when dealing with an anxious crowd of people. All I have to do is read the vibe of the room and NOT BLOW IT. Lights. . .Camera. . .ACTION!

The right piece at the right time is a powerful thing. It's like the wind hitting your sails head on, all you have to do is ride the wave and steer the boat in the direction you want it to go.

I felt nothing but acceptance the entire night. Not only were they hungry for it, they were excited, energetic and more than responsive! They made me feel as if they had been waiting all year to see me perform, like I was saying all the right things at the right time to the right people! It’s hard to describe, but it feels wonderful.

Thank You Detroit City, I am sorry I stayed away for so long


Sunday, August 9, 2009


An infinite number of things run through my head before stepping on stage. Things like, me wondering what pieces to perform or what piece to start off with. I check the tone of the room and wonder how will I be received... The list goes on. If I don't feel like performing, I don't. It's a rule I hope I never have to break. Going into Cincinnati this past week it had been over a month since my last performance. I had not held a microphone or even thought of putting on any type of show prior to. I didn't want to get back on stage until I felt I was ready.

During my "layoff," I got a chance relax and do some writing, thinking about the tone of my work and where I want to take it. After thinking about it all, I felt recharged. I was ready to be the spark on stage someone may need to see in order to make their evening or week go by a little bit smoother.

Upon showing up at the MIXX on Thursday, everything about the show felt different. I had to perform on a different stage then past acts. The microphone stand was "missing" and my performance time was earlier than normal. This time when I took the stage I didn't have a thought in my mind other than, "I'm going to be holding the mic my whole set, this sucks!" It didn't! The energy I felt on stage was amazing! I have never felt so good performing and moving around with the mic in my hand. Plenty of times I've had shows where I felt like every word fell from my lips with perfection, but THIS, this was nothing like before.

I almost felt as if I was putting on a show for myself. Like, God was reminding me that HE blessed me with this gift to be a blessing to others. It was as if HE wanted to show ME how HE gets down! The rush was great! I didn't even feel that my FIRST time on stage! OR my first time in front of THOUSANDS of people! I feel hungry all over again. Not my normally determined and strong willed self, but HUNGRY, like I have something to prove not just to myself, but to everyone who has supported me from day one.

This is the recharge, and is only the beginning...

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


This week I will be stepping on the stage to perform for the first time in over a month. The past four weeks off have indeed been good for me. I think a recharge, refocus was in order for my writing and performing to grow.

Cincinnati will be the back drop for what feels like a "new beginning" of sorts. I have been writing new material, practicing old poems for new delivery and the whole nine. I'm actually interested to se ow this goes

Stay tuned. . .